Attention Visitors – The Museum will be closed on Wednesday, February 5 and will reopen at 9 a.m. on Thursday, February 6.
A complete artifact donation offer includes both a completed Artifact Donation Form and high-resolution photographs (300 dpi or greater). The Exhibits Division reviews all complete offers and considers several factors such as suitability and duplication. It may take several weeks for the Exhibits Division to complete their assessment and present their findings to the Chief Curator for final approval/disapproval. When a final decision has been made, the donor will be notified of the decision.
The Museum has limited space and personnel resources and cannot accept and care for all items offered for donation. The U.S. Army is selective in the items they accept into a collection. The Exhibits Division is focused on collecting items that fill existing needs within the collection.
Once an artifact donation has been approved, the item(s) will be accepted by the Exhibits Division. Physical transfer can now take place, and the item(s) will be catalogued into the historical database, repackaged using archivally-approved materials, and placed into secure storage.
The Museum does not accept unsolicited items or donations. The history, stories and information associated with an object are as important to us as the artifact itself. To ensure this information is thoroughly and accurately collected, and the items are properly reviewed for suitability and duplication, it is paramount that the artifact donation process be followed. This includes written confirmation and coordination before a donation delivery is accepted.
As a new Museum, the main displays and exhibits are considered complete at this time. While we cannot guarantee your donated item(s) will go on display, the Museum is committed to preserving and carrying for your item(s) in perpetuity.
As a rule, the Museum does not include donor names or credit lines on artifact labels. Historical property is donated as unconditional gifts to the U.S. Army, free and clear of all encumbrances and restrictions.
The Museum does not review or appraise artifacts or collections as a service for the public. Professional appraisers perform this service for a fee. You may contact the organizations below to find appraisers in your local area.
American Society of Appraisers
International Society of Appraisers
Appraisers Association of America
No. While the Museum may accept a short-term loan on rare instances, it is only for exceptional artifacts that fit a specified need in the current exhibit storyline. Long-term loans place a significant burden on the Museum, its staff, and its resources.