Attention Visitors, the Museum will open at 12 p.m. (noon) on Wednesday, February 26, 2025.
A premier space for ceremonies and events.
The National Museum of the United States Army is honored to facilitate individual Military Milestone Events (MME). MMEs are intentionally limited in scope and designed for consistency regardless of the rank or seniority of the host or participants.
Current service members may conduct promotion, reenlistment, commissioning, award presentations and retirement ceremonies during the Army Museum’s regular operating hours Monday through Friday. There is no fee for an MME.
An MME request is confirmed with a signed and approved MME User Agreement. Walk-in or pop-up ceremonies anywhere on the Museum Campus are not permitted. MMEs must align with MME guidelines as written. Reservations must be made in advance and approved per Museum Policy.
The National Museum of the United States Army is first and foremost, a public-facing facility with a public mission to honor Soldiers and provide an interactive educational experience of the Army’s role in creating, sustaining, and defending our nation. The Museum provides the only comprehensive portrayal of Army history and traditions through the eyes of the American Soldier.
MMEs are publicly held events at a designated location of the Museum Lobby. The Lobby will remain open and accessible to normal Museum operations and MMEs must not interfere with the visitor experience. MME reservations are Monday – Friday at scheduled times. Reservations include, from beginning to end, 15 minutes to perform the ceremony. This includes speeches, special recognitions, photos, receiving line, etc. MMEs are allowed up to 30 attendee’s total, including the presenter and honoree. A signed and approved User Agreement includes general admission tickets for the host to use. The ceremony space is standing room only. MMEs are for ceremonies only, they do not include receptions. After the ceremony, attendees are welcome to visit the Museum at their own leisure. MMEs do not permit use of outside flags, sound systems, podiums, or award tables. Please review all Museum policies and procedures and review all MME guidelines for further information.
Individuals interested in hosting an MME at the Museum must first submit an online Event Inquiry Form. The requester will be contacted by an Events Manager within 5-7 business days to conduct a Discovery Call. The Events Manager will gather information required for assessing the request. Once details are confirmed between the Events Manager and the requester, the requester will be emailed an Event User Agreement. An MME reservation is not approved and confirmed until a signed Event User Agreement is approved by the Museum Director and filed with the Event Manager. Once the signed Event User Agreement is returned and the MME is confirmed, the requester will be issued 30 general admission tickets for their use.
Begin Your MME RequestOn the day of the MME, the host and honoree are greeted by the Event Manager at the Welcome Desk in the Museum Lobby, 15 minutes prior to the scheduled MME time. The host and honoree are directed to the designated ceremony space. It is then the host and honoree’s responsibility to provide guidance to their attendees for the ceremony.
There is no fee for hosting a MME within the Museum’s Military Milestone Event and with a signed/approved User Agreement.
An MME includes a designated space in the Museum Lobby to perform a military ceremony as defined by the Museum’s MME guidelines. MMEs are scheduled Monday through Friday, for one of three time slots 09:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 2:00 p.m.. Time is limited to 15 minutes, from start to finish. The MME host will be provided 30 general admission tickets to provide their guests in preparation of the visit. After the ceremony, attendees are welcomed to explore the Museum at their own pace during regular Museum hours.
No. MMEs are intentionally limited in scope and designed for consistency regardless of rank or seniority of the host or participants. Ceremonies with receptions will require a special events reservation.
Live broadcast of the MME, such as Facebook live, is allowed during the ceremony only and must be managed by the event host’s designated attendee.
Hosts are welcome to provide party favors to their attendees as long as they are not items on the prohibited items list, this includes all food items and fresh flowers. The host is responsible for managing their party favors. Museum staff will not hold or store items for visitors.
Private docent tours are not available. Docent-led tours are on a first-come first-served basis and information and schedules are available at the Welcome Desk.
The Lobby is the designated space for MMEs. Ceremonies and events are not permitted in Museum galleries.
The Museum does offer private event spaces that may be reserved at a cost through the Army Historical Foundation.
One U.S. Flag will be positioned on the left side of the Campaign Wall by Museum Staff. MMEs do NOT provide, or permit, the use of additional flags, podium, microphone/speaker or an award table.
MMEs do not include the use of flags, including GO flags. It is the host’s responsibility to provide this information to the GO’s staff. It is also the host’s responsibility to greet GOs or distinguished guests attending the MME.
MME’s are limited to 30 people total present at the ceremony. Exceeding the 30-person limit would be a violation of the User Agreement and may not be accommodated.
MMEs are intentionally limited in scope and designed for consistency regardless of rank or seniority of the host or participants. Ceremony requests that fall outside of the MME guidelines will be referred the Army Historical Foundation to explore a special event reservation in lieu of an MME reservation.
No outside food, including cakes/cupcakes, is allowed to enter the Museum. MMEs include only the ceremony. This format does not include space or time for a reception or cake cutting.