Battles of Lexington and Concord

Paul Revere Capture Site

Paul Revere Lantern

Paul Revere Lantern

Marker on Concord Road Where Paul Revere Was Captured (Library of Congress)

Marker on Concord Road Where Paul Revere Was Captured (Library of Congress)

Paul Revere, ca. 1813 (Massachusetts Historical Society)

Paul Revere, ca. 1813 (Massachusetts Historical Society)

Earlier that night, Paul Revere, William Dawes, and Dr. Samuel Prescott rode through the countryside and spreading the alarm that the British Regulars were on the march from Boston.

They were part of a large system of couriers and riders established by the Committee of Safety designed to quickly activate the network of provincial forces. Revere was captured at this spot but Prescott made it through to spread word to Concord.

". . . in an instant I saw four of them, who rode up to me, with their pistols in their hands, said G-d d--n you stop. If you go an Inch further, you are a dead Man . . . we attempted to git thro them, but they kept before us, and swore if we did not turn in to that pasture, they would blow our brains out . . . One of them, who appeared to have the command, and much of a Gentleman, Asked me where I came from; I told him, he asked me what time I left it; I told him, he seemed surprised, said Sir may I crave your name, I answered my name is Revere, what said he Paul Revere; I answered yes; the others abused much; but he told me not to be afraid, no one should hurt me . . . I told him they would miss their aim."

Paul Revere, deposition, 1775