Battles of Lexington and Concord

Parker’s Revenge, Lexington

Musket balls found at Parker’s Revenge Site (National Park Service)

Musket balls found at Parker’s Revenge Site (National Park Service)

Engraving of American Militia Firing on British Column (Wikimedia Commons)

Engraving of American Militia Firing on British Column (Wikimedia Commons)

Lt. Col. Francis Smith (Wikimedia Commons)

Lt. Col. Francis Smith (Wikimedia Commons)

Following the devastating loss to his company on Lexington Green that morning, Capt. John Parker reformed his men and marched after the British.

He meant to get revenge. He placed his company in an ambush site on the hill in front of you and waited until the British advance guard had turned the corner.

“About the middle of the forenoon Captain Parker having collected part of his company, I being with them, determined to meet the regulars on their retreat from Concord,” wrote Nathan Munroe. “We met the regulars in the bounds of Lincoln. We fired on them and continued so to do until they met their reinforcement in Lexington.” Parker’s fire plunged the British column into total confusion. Lt. Col. Smith had been moving his men through the last ambush when he was struck by a round from one of Parker’s men and wounded. The exhausted Regulars were reaching their breaking point.