The militia and minutemen moved down the hill in a column of twos, which struck the Regulars in front of the bridge as an alarming sight. Some companies, such as those from Bedford, even carried flags or colors with them. Capt. Isaac Davis led the lead company from Acton. What must have been his thoughts as he marched?
Davis was a gunsmith in Acton, well-known and well-liked throughout the town. Like many that day, he left a family behind him. Many families helped the men who marched out that day, by rolling cartridges or cooking food.
"My husband said but little that morning... As he led the company from the house, he turned himself round, and seemed to have something to communicate. He only said, ‘Take good care of the children,’ and was soon out of sight."
Mrs. Hannah Brown DavisGalvin, The Minute Men, 149